The gentleman standing before me in line, ordering a decaf late, was Mayor R.T. Rybak! I was shocked and could barely talk. I had $20 of quarters in my pocket ready to hit the streets and I was talking with the man responsible for those streets! We had met earlier at a Kindred Kitchen event, and he immediately asked what we were doing. After telling him about our stand up paddleboard tour company, which supports so many different local businesses, he enthusiastically exclaimed: "what more do you need to say? I am now your biggest fan!"
Needless to say, this boosted our spirits and carried us through a rainy day of promoting the streets of Minneapolis. Check out R.T.'s post below:
After speaking with just about every hotel in Minneaoplis, hoping to catch tourists looking for something fun to do in the summer heat, we then bumped into Guy Feiri as he was leaving the W hotel!

We have officially labeled our first promo day a success. Looking forward to round 2!
UPDATE: RT came out with his daughter for an early (7am) Paddle Pub. Here are pics from the tour: